Sunday 11 February 2018

Lirik Sheila On 7 - Film Favorit

Terkadang hidup menggariskan misteri
Yang takkan pernah bisa aku pahami
Seperti aku yang tak pernah berhenti
Mencari celah menaklukkan hati

Mereka bilang cobalah kau sadari
Misteri ini harusnya disudahi
Aku mencoba sederhanakan ini
Agar semua orang memahami...

Sama seperti di film favoritmu
Semua cara akan kucoba
Walau peran yang aku mainkan
Bukan pemeran utamanya

Karena mereka

Monday 7 August 2017

Pelatihan dari BSI

Rekomendasi widget yang baik dipasang di blog:
1. Entri Populer
2. Label
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4. Profil

Anggap saja rehat (1)

ini hanya sekedar pelatihan.. ga tau harus ngepost apa..
biar postingan gue gak ilang aja.. maklum udah setahun, wkwkwkwkwk...

Friday 20 May 2016

Heart Voice (011)

I know you..
I met you..
I will always remember you..
Especially after I knew the date of your birthday,.
I realize you are the woman who has the same look at her in my past,.
The typical of yours is same like her,.
Sometime I wanna to be close enough with you, sometime I didn't,.
You... let my brain to think of her again,.

But now, we're already can't be seen each other again,
Yes, I hope so, haha :D
Because everytime I look at you, the shadow of my past always comes through into my head,.
I don't want to get a heart attack because of that things anymore,.
My pray, you gotta have the best in you, amin ^_^

Sunday 3 January 2016

Which one are you?

So, now, which one are you? The highest one? Or the lowest one?
Answer it honestly.. :)